Amazon Up, Netflix Down, In Customer Satisfaction Survey

A new customer satisfaction survey, conducted by online market research company ForeSee Results, finds that Amazon is satisfying customers… and Netflix… well, not so much.

The results of 8,500 customer satisfaction surveys on the top 40 online retailers were tabulated by ForeSee. Rated on a 100 point scale, with 80 and above considered excellent, Amazon topped the list with a score of 88. Amazon’s score was an improvement of 2 points over last year, and according to ForeSee, is the highest score recorded since 2005.

Netflix lost the most points year to year, coming in at 79. Last year they scored 85. ForeSee points out in a summary of the survey that a year and a half ago Netflix had, at that time, the highest customer satisfaction survey they have recorded since the survey began seven years ago, 87. Of course, Netflix has experienced some troublesome website issues they have experienced.

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Faroh Sauder

Faroh Sauder has spent more than 30 years working as a journalist and educator. He has written on politics, international affairs, civil rights, and consumer education.

Now mostly retired, Faroh continues to stay current on tech and consumer issues and reports on his interests here at Consumer Press

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