Are We A Month Away From A New Kindle Fire?

Are We A Month Away From A New Kindle Fire?

There are many rumors on the Internet about the new Amazon tablet. At first it was said that there will be a Kindle device launched that is created for movies and then we heard about a next generation Kindle tablet that features a 7 inch frame  and a touch screen.

Many of the rumors will most likely be put to rest as Amazon just announced that a special press event will be held in New York on September 28.

Amazon sent out invitations and they were basic. They included the time, the Amazon logo and a date. Most tech writers started to read between the lines and believe that everything is about the new Kindle. Nick Bilton from the New York Times wrote:

At the very least, [the conference] will be about a Kindle. First, Amazon press conferences in recent years have been the venue to announce a new Kindle. In addition, Amazon sent its press release to several gadget bloggers, including Engadget and Boy Genius Report. I have to figure they are not corralling the troops to announce a new online store for air conditioners.

The news is big for the current tablet market. The biggest specialists in the industry believe that Amazon tablets can disrupt the market and can be stronger than the iPad. This is due to the marketing scheme used. Rottman Epps pointed out this very fact:

Even though Amazon taking on Apple is a bit like David taking on Goliath, Amazon’s willingness to sell hardware at a loss combined with the strength of its brand, content, cloud infrastructure, and commerce assets makes it the only credible iPad competitor in the market. If Amazon launches a tablet at a sub-$300 price point — assuming it has enough supply to meet demand — we see Amazon selling 3 [to] 5 million tablets in Q4 alone.

Market analysts believe that around 63 million tablets will be sold in 2012 and most of them are iPads. 73% of table sales are covered by Apple but if Amazon and other companies do a good job, by 2014 Apple’s share will drop to around 50%.

Everyone is waiting for the conference and there will be lots of speculation exists. However, all will be put aside when Amazon will most likely announce a new Kindle.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Adrian Cruce

Adrian Cruce simply loves to write and is always up to date with recent news in the shopping industry. Although Adrian has a totally unrelated college diploma, the passion for writing has led him towards being a part of the NFS team. In the meantime, Adrian runs his own Personal Blog about marketing and personal finance.