This morning, Tuesday May 12th, Ubisoft held a livestream where they announced the next Assassin’s Creed game. Originally rumored to be called Assassin’s Creed Victory, the title has been officially revealed as Assassin’s Creed Syndicate.
Set in 1868 London, the game features two main protagonists. One of which is female, despite Ubisoft previously stating that females are too difficult to animate.
Jacob and Evie Frye are the first pair of sibling assassins in the series. Jacob is described as being “hot-headed”, while Evie is “a master of stealth.”
Players may switch between the two during open world gameplay, but not during story missions.
The story sees London during the Industrial Revolution. The game is 75 years ahead of Assassin’s Creed Unity’s French Revolution, but the technological advancements will make it seem much further in the future.
The game has no multiplayer features because the developers want to focus on the single player world. Speaking of, the game’s London has been described as the biggest world in the series and is 30% larger than Unity’s map.
The game is due out October 23, 2015 for the Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC.
What are your thoughts on what you’ve seen so far? Be sure to let us know in the comments!