Baby Carrier Reviews: The Ergo, Baby Bjorn, Sling & Moby Wrap

I recently tried 4 types of baby carriers.

When my daughter was born, I tried the Ergo, I loved it. Not only was it comfortable, but I could hardly tell it was strapped on me. Better yet, it fit around my 300 pound, 6’5″ tall husband.

The Ergo is adjustable, easy to put on by yourself, and has convenient features, like two front pockets and a sun shade. It allows babies and children up to 45 pounds to ride in a front carry, back carry, or side carry.

Basically, it is the Transformers version of Baby carriers. Ergo provides easy instructions and YouTube videos (Ergo Baby Carrier Videos on YouTube) to help people like me use this piece of baby gear.

The only downfall is that children cannot forward face in the front carry option of the original Ergo, which isn’t a big deal to me.

If it is so perfect, why did I try three other baby carriers?

Curiosity I guess!

Plus, two of them were given to me and one was on clearance. Can’t beat that! Note: I included the manufacturer’s website for each carrier. However, they can also be purchased from other retailers, such as

I tried the Baby Bjorn, It is simple and easy to use. However, it could not fit my husband, was not as comfortable, and did not have as many carry options. I didn’t mind using it, but it was nothing compared to the Ergo.

Next, I tried the sling carrier from The website shows how to wear it for babies and small toddlers.

The appeal to me was that it could be used for breastfeeding. I ended up struggling to keep my little guy still and positioned correctly. The sling was comfortable while my son was a newborn, but after that, I had to do quite a bit of readjusting and repositioning. After a few tries, I quickly went back to the Ergo.

The last one I tried was the Moby Wrap,

Three words: Not. For. Me.

Reason 1) For the price, I felt like I had a glorified blanket.

Reason 2) I am not so talented with the wrapping. I have seen moms wear these around town looking as comfortable and happy as can be. Not me. Went back to the Ergo.

The market is full of baby carriers, slings, backpacks, wraps…. Parents are sure to find what is best for them.

What have you found that works for you? Why is it your favorite?

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