Big Brother Recap Ep.11 – Paranoia In The House + Spoilers

Big Brother Recap Ep.11 – Paranoia In The House + Spoilers

Big Brother 15 has been a season of controversy and drama. This week has been no different.

Last week we found out that Judd was the new Head of Household (HOH) and Julie Chen announced that the viewers will be nominating the third player for eviction.

This twist seems like a perfect way for CBS and BB fans to ensure Aaryn’s exit from the house. What could go wrong?

The house guests don’t know about this twist and have all sorts of theories about what the twist could be. Elissa, who has been America’s MVP for the past 3 weeks, is worried because she did not get the MVP title this week.

Judd is in an alliance with McCrae and Amanda, but he is getting tired of Amanda who continues to tell him what to do.

Seriously Amanda, win one and then you could do what you want.

Judd is hesitant to put Aaryn up because he does not want to stir up trouble. Howard and Spencer want Judd to put up girls because three guys have already gone home. After consulting with everyone in the house, he nominates Aaryn and Kaitlin for eviction. In an unexpected twist, Elissa is revealed as the third nominee.

The house guests are shocked,  and so are Brenchal fans who can not understand how America’s favorite player got nominated.

My theory is many fans voted for Aaryn or Kaitlin, but since they are already on the block, the runner up, Elissa goes up.

Fans who voted Elissa probably did not read the discalimer at the top of the voting page which said you are voting for the MVP nominee, not the MVP. That’s what happens when people don’t take time to read instructions. I saw this coming miles away and CBS will have a hard time explaining this.

The house guests think that Elissa is MVP and nominated herself as a strategy to take the heat off her. However, it doesn’t make sense to put yourself at risk of going home if you have the power to keep yourself safe. Some of the house guests think production is giving special treatment to Elissa and want her gone.

Jessie, Andy, Spencer and Candice are have nots for the week for a second time in a row.

Wednesday the winner of the POV will be revealed and we’ll find out if they used the POV to save themselves or ensure Aaryn’s exit from the show.

[toggle title=”For the spoilers, click here!” state=”close” ]Elissa won Power of Veto and Gina Marie is the replacement nominee. The house guests still don’t know that America is MVP this week. Elissa believes that America was the MVP this week and is scared that people don’t like her anymore. Candice and Howard are the newest couple in the Big Brother House. McCrae and Amanda will have a Big Brother 15 wedding this week. You can see pictures of the fake proposal on Helen thinks Kaitlin is a bigger threat in the house and starting a campaign to send Kaitlin home. Aaryn offered a deal to the knock out crew. She’s offering to throw the HOH competition next week or let them choose her nominees.[/toggle]

What do you think of this new twist?

Will Aaryn finally go home?

Don’t forget to tune in on Wednesday and Thursday’s live eviction show… and be sure to Like, Tweet, G+ and Pin this page to pass it on to your friends!

Have A Question? Ask Jessica!


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