Big Brother Recap Ep 12&13 – Texan tornado survives another Eviction

Big Brother Recap Ep 12&13 – Texan tornado survives another Eviction

This week, paranoia, speculation and confusion ruled the Big Brother house, and for the first time this season a female was evicted.

The twist this week was that America was the MVP and chose the third nominee for eviction.

Aaryn Gries, was America’s first choice, but since  Judd (Head of Household) already nominated her, the runner up Elissa went up.

Elissa won Power of Veto and took herself off the block leaving Gina Marie, who received the third highest number of votes from America. Keep in mind that the house guests had no clue who was MVP, thus the speculations.

Dan Gheesling, winner of Big Brother 10, tweeted that some fans were asking to redo their votes because they thought they were voting Elissa for MVP and not for the third nominee. I’m sure this will be a good lesson to these people who didn’t bother to read the instructions.

It’s been four weeks now that  fans of the show have been asking to get the franchise to remove Aaryn Gries and Gina Marie for their racial slurs but nothing has been done. The twist this week may have been production’s way to ensure that Aaryn goes home, but some of the house guests see Kaitlin as the bigger threat and want her gone.

Kaitlin was promised safety this week because she played a crucial role in Jeremy’s eviction. She really should have watched the show before coming  because we all know that promises in the big brother house are almost never kept.

On the other hand Aaryn has been busy offering deals to ensure her safety. She promised to throw the next HOH competition or let them control her nominations if she wins HOH. The knock out alliance composed of Andy, Amanda, McCrae, Judd, Jessie, Elissa and Helen think this is a great offer. Elissa however, does not trust Aaryn and wants her to pay for the nasty behavior and bigot remarks she made to other house guests.

With a unanimous vote of 9 to 0, Kaitlin was eliminated during the live show. Shortly after, she expressed her disappointment in the house guests for lying to her…especially Andy who she thinks betrayed her the most.

Julie Chen is a good host, but it almost feels like she’s not asking the eliminated house guests the questions that we really want answered. Must be CBS telling her to rush through these interviews since the show is only an hour. Don’t you think it’s time for Big Brother to push for a 2 hour live eviction show?

After the live eviction, it was time for the HOH competition where the house guest battled it out in a game inspired by the roulette  casino game. The house guests had the opportunity to practice the night before and after everyone had their turn, Texas native, Aaryn Gries scored the highest number and won HOH of the week.

Remember when i said that people almost never keep their promises in the big brother house?….well here’s a typical example. Aaryn promised to throw the HOH competition this week in exchange for her safety, but she forgot all about that promise and played for her safety. Her second promise to let the alliance choose her nominees, but I highly doubt that would hold.

My predictions are that Elissa will be leaving next week unless something else spews up and changes things.

Julie Chen announced that for the second time this season, America will be the Big Brother MVP and thus nominate the third person for eviction.

Who will you be putting up for eviction? You can cast your vote here at

Don’t forget to tune in on Sunday to find out who Aaryn nominated… and be sure to Like, Tweet, G+ and Pin this page to pass it on to your friends!

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