Last week, Aaryn was crowned HOH for a second time this summer and she’s made it no secret that she wants to evict the two African American house guests.
Helen struck a deal with Aaryn to chose her nominees if she were to win HOH. Surprisingly, Aaryn kept her word and thus nominated Spencer and Howard for eviction.
Spencer won the golden POV and took himself off the block… leaving Aaryn to choose a third nominee. It’s no surprise when she puts Candice as her third nominee.
Candice and Howard find it ironic that the most racist person in the house is responsible for their eviction. The house guests have made it clear that it’s easier to accept the racist white girl than to trust the outspoken black person. They prefer to keep Aaryn as a target and work with her to their advantage.
Howard and Candice decide to seclude themselves so they can avoid any further confrontations. Spencer wants Howard to stay so he makes a plan to evict Amanda… but the plan goes south when Andy(the house rat) reports back to Amanda.
It’s really funny that these house guests don’t realize that Andy is a huge social threat in this game. He’s been part of a thousand fake alliances so far, yet no one seems to mention his name as a potential threat.
In addition to being the most bigots, this cast has to be one of the worst in Big Brother history. This season is ruled by floaters who never win any challenges but control the HOH’s nominations. America’s MVP nomination proved this theory when they nominated Amanda for eviction. Still she managed to make herself less of a target by spreading lies. It’s the name of the game.
Amanda heard about Spencer’s plan and so she called a house meeting which made Spencer look like an ever bigger threat. Candice and Howard stopped campaigning because they knew their fate was sealed.
The mysterious MVP nomination is still an issue with the house guests as they continue to suspect each other. Judd , Elissa and Howard seem to be the most likely recipients of MVP…according to the house guests. Amanda and her group don’t trust Judd anymore and have made plans to backdoor him next week.
Now, Judd is from the South and because they cannot understand his accent most of the time, they think he is being insincere. These house guests need to realize that not everyone has the gift of gab.
During the live eviction, Amanda announced her BB engagement with McCrae. Candice and Howard said their goodbyes and with a vote of 0, 1 to 7 respectively, Howard was eliminated.
During his exit interview with Julie, they brushed up on the racial attacks in the house and she wanted to know why he didn’t address the situation with Aaryn and Gina Marie. He said he did not want to be confrontational because he knows he has a bad temper. He was grateful to know that America was the MVP. Yet another dry, exit interview from Julie Chen. Can we get the tough questions out already?
It’s time for a new HOH to be crowned and this time the house guests will participate in an endurance competition. Who do you think will be the new HOH? America will have the power to vote for a third nominee so don’t forget to cast your vote for MVP nominee at ends August 2 at 9pm EST.
Tune in Sunday to find out who won HOH and who is America’s third nominee…… Also be sure to leave your comments below, Like, Tweet, G+ and Pin this page to pass it on to your friends!