Big Brother Week 8 – A Jury Member Returns + Did Production Push Helen Off?

Big Brother Week 8 – A Jury Member Returns + Did Production Push Helen Off?

Wednesday on Big Brother, Elissa won the veto competition and took herself off the block, leaving Aaryn to put Spencer in as a replacement next to Helen.

After the veto competition, Amanda and Aaryn got into another fight, which could’ve led to Aaryn making a big move against her alliance.

But in the end, Amanda convinced Aarynr not to change the nominations, and there went another HOH controlled by Amanda Zuckerman.

How she manages to control the house guests is beyond me. Do they even realize that she is making them do her dirty work?

Helen continued to push for Spencer, but once she suspected that Andy was not on her side, she turned on the waterworks.

That didn’t work, and she knew her fate was ultimately sealed.

The political consultant decided to just enjoy the remaining days she had left with her best friend… Elissa Reilly.

Lots of tearful moments and pep talks were shared between the moms.

Helen tells Elissa  that it’s crucial for her to win next week’s HOH or she will suffer the same fate.

The house guests still have no clue that a member of jury will play to re-enter the game. At the live show, Helen is voted out 4 -1.

Shortly after her eviction, Julie Chen told the shocked house guests that an evicted house guest will be returning.

Will this twist bring Helen back in the game?

The jurors (Candice, Judd , Jessie ,Helen) and remaining house guests battled it out in a baseball inspired competition.

They stood on a block while balls were thrown at them. The first person to catch 10 balls wins and the last jury member standing on their block reenters the game.

Jessie started strong with 4 balls but quickly fell off. The little firecracker stormed out with an “F U” to Amanda.

It all came down to Gina Marie and Elissa (who almost fell off  twice). Elissa caught all 10 balls and was crowned the HOH for the week.

Judd was the last jury member standing and thus returned into the game.

Another story that’s causing controversy is from viewers that captured the moment Helen fell off her block.

The claim is that production pushed her off to ensure that Judd is the returning jury member.

You be the judge and see for yourself HERE.

First of all, if production rigged anything on this show, then Aaryn and Amanda would be removed from the show. Maybe someone from production was just walking by?

What do you think?  Let me know in your comments below.

Tune in Sunday to find out who Elissa nominated for eviction.  My guess is she will go after Aaryn or Amanda.

Who do you think she will nominate?

If you missed Thursday’s Big Brother episode, you can catch the full episode HERE, on

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