Bon Jovi Confirms That He Is Not Dead

Bon Jovi Confirms That He Is Not Dead

Jon Bon Jovi confirmed last night through his Facebook page that he is, indeed, not dead.

The announcement that Bon Jovi is alive came after a day in which twitter was once again used to perpetuate a hoax. The rumor of the 49 year old singer’s death began Monday afternoon. The tweets point to this blog page:

as the source reporting Bon Jovi’s death. The “dailynewbloginternational” blog on the popular platform appears to be brand new as of Monday. The original “Hello World” example post that all new WordPress blog installations come with still appears on the blog’s home page and is dated the same day as the Bon Jovi post. No other posts have been entered into the blog.

Tweets about Bon Jovi’s death became a trending topic on Twitter on Monday afternoon, fueling the imagerumor fire as more and more people saw it. While some fans tweeted quotes from his songs in response to the ‘news’, others tweeted jokes about his ‘death’.

About 7 PM Monday evening, much to the relief of mournful fans, a photo of Jon Bon Jovi standing in front of a Christmas tree with a sign saying “Heaven looks a lot like New Jersey — Dec. 19, 2011, 6:00” appeared on Twitter and Facebook. A caption included with the photo read “Rest assured that Jon is alive and well! This photo was just taken.”

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Jimmy Borough

Jimmy is an assistant editor and a writer here at News For Shoppers. He has more than two decades of experience in the shopping industry, having worked in sales and marketing in both the technology and fashion industries.

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