CES 2013: New Tech Products Revealed

The 2013 Consumer Electronics Show (commonly referred to as CES 2013) doesn’t officially start until tomorrow, but previews for many of the new products have been rolling in. The sneak peeks come from Unveiled, a 2-day event before CES 2013 beings.

From TVs, tablets, smart gadgets, and more, CSE 2013 is a tech junkie’s dream land. Here are but a few items featured during Unveiled.

One of the most talked-about products is LG’s 55 inch OLED HD TV. OLED stands for organic light-emitting diode, and is claimed as the next big innovation for TVs.

The OLED technology is said to produce a clearer picture than other display technologies. In addition, the OLED technology allows manufacturers to create thinner devices. LG’s 55 inch OLED HD TV is only 0.16 inches thick.

This product carries a hefty price tag of $12,000. Pre-orders for the TV are already being taken in South Korea, and it will be available in the US in March.

Lenovo is revealing the Ideacentre, a 27-inch tablet that allows multiple users at one time. It features both a Linux and a Windows 8 operating system.

The Ideacentre is scheduled to come out this summer with a price tag of $999 – $1,700, depending on how the model is configured.

Samsung has stepped up their 2013 camera line to include WiFi capability. There are 6 models being featured at CES 2013 – NX300, ST150F, DV150F, WB30F, WB250F, and WB800F.

When connected to WIFi, you can upload photos and videos from your camera directly to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or email. In addition, all of Samsung’s new camera models are equipped with the Smart Camera 2.0 technology.

The Smart Camera 2.0 technology allows you to upload images directly to your smartphone through a free Android or iOS app. You can also control the camera remotely through the app’s remote viewfinder option.

The cameras Samsung is featuring range in price from $129.99 to $299.99. They come in a variety of colors and have many additional features not found in your classic “point-and-click” camera. Additional features on several models include video capture, a front-facing LCD screen, and interchangeable lenses.

Hapilabs featured their new “smart utensils” at Unveiled. The set of utensils is called the Hapifork, and the company states that this set will “help you lose weight.”

The Hapifork set consists of a spoon and fork that begin to vibrate when the sensors detect that a user is eating too many bites too quickly.

GlobaTrac is revealing Trakdot, a new luggage tracking device. Priced at $49.99 (plus a yearly subscription of $12.99), this device has the potential for eliminating lost baggage woes for travelers.

When placed in luggage, Trakdot can track the whereabouts of your luggage during travel. When your luggage is on the carousel, Trakdot connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth to alert you to the location of your luggage.

The battery life is said to be 28 days for this device. It will be available within the first quarter of this year.

Belkin has revealed the Thunderstorm, an iPad case that they are hailing as a “handheld home theatre.” The case features a front-facing speaker along one side of the case to create a listening experience similar to a surround sound system.

This is only a taste of the products that will be featured once the show officially begins – stay tuned for further coverage of CES 2013.

What do you think of the products mentioned in this article? Are they innovative or an overkill of what already exists? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Kate Bales

Kate Bales is a freelance blogger and entrepreneur. She enjoys writing informative and detailed articles that share valuable insights with readers. In her spare time she likes to read, explore new technology, check out movies new and old, and continue to support her obsession with musicals.