Deadpool Review

Unlike any other Marvel superhero movie, Deadpool has audiences in stitches. You will leave the theater with a six-pack worthy of a Ryan Reynolds movie.

I found it difficult to determine the genre of this film. The action and stunts were heavily included throughout the film as well as the superhero storyline, but the comedic timing and satire incorporated into the film made me want to consider it a comedy.

Slapstick in its humor, the film pokes fun at the writers, actors, franchises, and more, breaking the fourth wall many times throughout the film.

The protagonist in the film even makes a joke regarding the fourth wall break, claiming they had broken so many fourth walls, it had to be at least sixteen wall breaks.

Regardless of your traditional taste in films, I think everyone can find something about Deadpool that they enjoy. Normally, I avoid action or graphically violent films such as superhero or action movies, but Deadpool was great. I felt comfortable during the entire movie. While there was still some gore and violence, it was in line with the story rather than just being graphic to be graphic.

And hey, even if you’re not a fan of the storyline by the end, it’s still a Ryan Reynolds movie, so will you really be that disappointed?

Image by CyberBarnes

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Meg Thomson

Hi! I'm Meg Thomson. I'm a 21-year-old undergraduate. I have a passion for film and television as well as beauty and makeup, and I'm excited to be able to share news and stories with you!

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