Dragon Go! Voice Command App Now Available On Android

Dragon Go! Voice Command App Now Available On Android

The voice command app Dragon Go! from Nuance Communications is now available on the Android Market for free. Nuance made the announcement today at CES.

Previously available only as an iPhone app, Dragon Go! Allows users to speak commands into their phone, instead of typing and tapping in commands. And for better or worse, unlike Siri, it doesn’t talk back.

According to Nuance, the new app will provide users access to over 200 “trusted and reliable destinations for mobile content simply by using their voice.”  Sites that the app is tied in to for information include: Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, ESPN, AccuWeather, Dragon-GoLast.fm, Rotten Tomatoes, YouTube, LiveNationn, Pandora, Spotify, Ask.com, Bing,  Dictionary.com, LiveNation, Yahoo! and others. It’s interesting to note that Google.com is not on the list, though Google owned YouTube is.  It looks like Bing is Dragon’s search engine of choice. Nuance says that the app “features the largest direct-access content ecosystem in mobile today.”

We were unable to find Dragon Go! in a search of the Android Market this evening, using the phrases “Dragon Go” and “Nuance Dragon Go”. But we did finally track down a link to the app. It’s here.

Right now on the Android Market, with 172 ratings reported, the Dragon Go! Android app has a 3.7 rating (above average).

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Jimmy Borough

Jimmy is an assistant editor and a writer here at News For Shoppers. He has more than two decades of experience in the shopping industry, having worked in sales and marketing in both the technology and fashion industries.