Final Fantasy, the role playing gaming franchise developed by Hironobu Sakaguchi, which had it’s first edition released in 1987, will be celebrating it’s 25th anniversary this year.
To mark this accomplishment, according to AndriaSang, Square Enix, the developers of the game(earlier named as Square) announced a 25th anniversary collection of 13 Final Fantsy games to be released as a set called the Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Ultimate Box.
The ultimate Box will contain the following games, Final Fantasy (PSone), Final Fantasy II (PSone), Final Fantasy III (PSP), Final Fantasy IV (PSone), Final Fantasy V (PSone), Final Fantasy VI (PSone), Final Fantasy VII (PSone), Final Fantasy VIII (PSone), Final Fantasy IX (PSone), Final Fantasy X (PS2), Final Fantasy XI (PS2), Final Fantasy XII (PS2) and Final Fantasy XIII (PS3). Thus the collection will contain 21 discs (18 PSone, 3 PS2, 1 PS3) and a single UMD.
Of all the games present in the box, only Final Fantasy III will be the hand held version for Play Station Portable. Beyond the games, the box includes a few limited edition extras, such as a two-disc selection of music from the games and a collection of artwork by longtime series image artist Yoshitaka Amano. There’s even a free item download code for Final Fantasy XIV.
Regarding the release date. Gamespot states the collection will be out on December 18 in Japan, which is the release date of the original Final Fantasy on the Famicom system in its native country. There is no word on whether this collection will be on sale in North America, Europe, or the rest of Asia.
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