The first piece of DLC for Far Cry 3, High Tides, will be released exclusively on the Playstation 3.
The announcement came from the game’s developer, Ubisoft Massive, on the official PlayStation blog.
The High Tides DLC will add two new action packed co-op levels, Jailbreak and Redemption, to the first person shooter game.
According to the announcement:
“High Tides will take place where the original six co-op chapters left off. These are the gang’s final moments, and we’re really challenging ourselves to go all-out. We’ve got new missions, tougher fights, bigger competitions, some great up-close time with your favorite characters, and explosive moments unlike anything you’ve seen before. Can you tell we’re excited?”
The Far Cry 3 downloadable content is set to hit the Playstation Network in January of 2013. At the moment, it is unclear if there are any plans to eventually release the content for Xbox 360 and PC owners of the game.
What do you think? Did Ubisoft Massive make the right decision in only releasing the Far Cry 3 expansion for Sony’s PS3? Will the DLC eventually make its way to other consoles?
Leave you comments below!