Shoppers, check your freezers. There’s an ongoing frozen food recall involving millions of packages of fruits and vegetables shipped to all 50 states, Canada and Mexico.
The recall centers around 400 different products from CRF Frozen Foods. Authorities say the frozen foods have the potential to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes.
Eight people have become ill. Two of those later died, but according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), “Listeria was not the cause of death in either person”.
According to the CDC, listeria can make anyone sick, but is most harmful to small children, adults over 65 with weakened immune systems, and pregnant women.
The products in question date back to 2014 and came from CRF’s Washington plant.
They were shipped to a host of retailers, including Costco, Target, Trader Joe’s and Safeway, so you may have them in your freezer and not even realize it.
There are several different brand names to look for, as the products were packaged individually and repackaged by entities such as Kroger and Piggly Wiggly, and used as ingredients in store-brand products from Costco and others.
A complete list of recalled products can be found using this link to the FDA’s website.
This recall dates back to April 22, when CRF recalled 11 frozen vegetable products; On May 2 they expanded the recall to include all of their frozen organic and traditional fruit and vegetable products made in the suspected plant.
The plant closed 2 weeks ago to address the issue and the FDA says CRF is working with them to find the source of the listeria.
The CDC advises anyone with the affected products in their possession to dispose of them immediately and seek medical treatment if they feel sick.
Anyone with questions or concerns can contact the FDA Consumer Hotline at: 844-483-3866.
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Updated to clarify that, according to the CDC, Listeria was not the cause of the two deaths reported in this article – the editor