Gmail Adds Undo Send Feature

Gmail will now let you undo sending that email you regretted- but you will have to enable the feature first.

To enable the feature, click the gear icon at the top right of your inbox, select settings, scroll down to “undo send” and click enable. You can then select how long you want to be given to undo.

The feature is designed to let you undo the sending of an email when you spot a typo just after you click send, or regret sending it immediately. The feature has actually been available for some time as part of “Gmail Labs”, Gmail’s set of experimental features, but has now been made official (and easier to enable).

The feature works by delaying sending the email for the amount of time you specified – if you click undo, it will cancel the sending, if you don’t it will send as normal after that period of time.

Will you be enabling to feature? Let us know below!

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