Guardians of the Galaxy: Vin Diesel As Groot? Let Us Know What You Think!

Guardians of the Galaxy: Vin Diesel As Groot? Let Us Know What You Think!

Could The Fast and the Furious star play the Floral Colossus?

The search continues for the remaining Guardians.

Though cast is full of stars, two more characters remain for Guardians of the Galaxy: the 2014 film from Marvel Studios. The remaining characters are Rocket Raccoon and Groot.

Though there’s been no official word on who will play these two characters,  this weekend we got some hints on who might be playing Groot.

Since June, Marvel Studios have been talking to Vin Diesel. Many have speculated that the Riddick star would be in one of the Marvel Studios ‘untitled’ projects; but now it looks like  we could be seeing Diesel next summer as the Floral Colossus.

Sources are suggesting that Diesel will in fact voice Groot. If the studio does make this decision official, how will fans react to this?

For anyone who knows the Guardians of the Galaxy and knows Groot, they might be thinking that Vin Diesel is a great choice.

However, there is one issue. As this video will demonostrate, Groot has only one thing to say.

As you can tell, there wouldn’t many lines for Diesel in his performance. However, the actor is no stranger to characters like this.

In 1999, Diesel provided his voice for The Iron Giant, where he played the colossal robot. So if the actor  does take up the role of Groot, his performance would be a lot like his role in The Iron Giant.

In other words: it could work.

If Vin Diesel does decide to join, he will be joining a massive cast; which features Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Lee Pace, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Djimon Hounsou, Benicio del Toro, John C. Reilly and Glenn Close.

What say you? Will Vin Diesel join the Marvel Sci-fi film. Feel free to express yourself below.

Guardians of the Galaxy hits theaters August 1, 2014.

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Tim Dunn

Tim is an aspiring film critic looking to make an impact on the world wide web. Over the web, you can see Tim's works in several mediums. First is Tim's internet persona, Timdiana in the web series Timdiana the Reviews where the enduring critic reviews movies that should be questioned. Then there is Something Cinematic, the podcast (and now blog) for moviegoers by moviegoers. Not to mention all the reviews Tim' has written throughout the internet. All that Tim does is in the name is to provide viewers with something entertaining as well as informative. Has he succeeded? Well... he's working on it.

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