May 21st Doomsday/Judgement Day: Signs Say It’s Coming…

If you have been paying attention to and believing the more than 2000 billboard signs posted around the world, then you better get ready for the end.  Some predict May 21, 2011 to be the official, honest-to-goodness Judgment Day….yeah, the day that you might have heard about as a kid.  The idea is that on Judgment Day, or May 21, as others assume, those who are righteous (all 2-3 percent of humans on Earth) will be swept away to a safe place.  The rest of them (us) will be left behind on Earth to deal with five months of natural disasters until on October 21 the official end will come.

Now, how did this idea come about and why are people so fervent?  The former part of this questions is easy, the latter is almost impossible to answer.  Family Radio Broadcasting’s own Harold Camping claims that he has absolute proof that there is no point in planning on anything past May 21.  That’s right, toss out your 401k plan, your pension, your bank account, your mortgage…even your Memorial day weekend barbecue plans.  He says that the numbers dictate, after some serious manipulation, May 21 is Doomsday.  The math behind his calculation is highly suspect and he has yet to offer any real-world scenario which could cause an end.

Granted, we have seen major storms, earthquakes, manmade disasters in recent times, but according to geologist Dr. Robert Black, these occurrences are perfectly normal when measured in the geological record.  Another words, they are significant in our time, but insignificant in geological time.

However, the judgment is up the individual.  This reporter is making plans for a serious barbecue on Memorial Day weekend.

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