New App Could Revolutionize Texting

What if you could type text faster, and more accurately, without even looking at the keyboard?

An app in the works may allow you to do just that. It’s currently being designed with the visually impaired in mind. However, its application may extend far beyond that.

The app is called BrailleTouch. It’s been developed by researchers at Georgia Tech.

When in use, the touchscreen is turned away from the person using it. The user’s hands wrap around the device. The three middle fingers of each hand are used press three buttons on each side of the screen that line up with the fingertips. Different combinations of presses cause different letters to be typed.

The app reads out each letter as its typed. Researchers say users have been able to type up to 32 words per minute, with an accuracy rate of 92%.

One of the researchers on the project, PhD student Caleb Southern, is signing up volunteers for a BrailleTouch typing study. The volunteers sign up is here, though there’s literally no information provided on what volunteers are expected to do.

BrailleTouch will be demoed at Abilities Expo-Atlanta 2012, which started today at the Georgia World Congress Center. Currently iPhone and iPad versions have been developed. An Android version is being worked on.

A video of BrailleTouch in use is below:

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Jimmy Borough

Jimmy is an assistant editor and a writer here at News For Shoppers. He has more than two decades of experience in the shopping industry, having worked in sales and marketing in both the technology and fashion industries.