New, Bigger, iPhone To Launch By This Summer?

More Apple rumors are swirling today, this time it’s about the possible launch of an iPhone 5 by the time summer rolls in.

This comes to us in a rather roundabout way, but so did many of the latest iPad rumors which ended up being true. Reuters is reporting that the South Korean Maeil Business Newspaper is quoting unnamed sources as saying that a new iPhone is set to launch in the second quarter of this year.

The new iPhone is said to be larger and will feature a 4.6 inch ‘Retina’ touchscreen display. As our regular readers already know, the new iPad that was launched last week, the iPhone 4, and iPhone 4S, also have the ‘Retina Display.’ So the fact (err, rumor) that the new iPhone would include the ‘Retina Display’ is not a great surprise.

That Apple would tinker with the size of the iPhone is unexpected. IPhones in the past have generally had a 3.5 inch screen.

The latest version of the iPhone, the 4S, was launched last October.

Whenever it is launched, it will be interesting to see what Apple’s naming of a new iPhone will be. Will they go with ‘iPhone 5’?

Or, as they did with the ‘new’ iPad, will they just it launch as the ‘new’ iPhone?

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Cassie Sommers

Cassie is back! One of our founding writers, Cassie has returned to write for CP after taking some time off to travel across Asia. Cassie has a BS in Journalism and loves all things entertainment. If it has to do with games, movies, tv, or travel, she's on it.

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