No-Drill Fillings At The Dentist – How It Works & What It’s Like!

No-Drill Fillings At The Dentist – How It Works & What It’s Like!

Do you or your kids dread going to the dentist?

It doesn’t matter who you are, nobody likes having that dental drill whining in your ear as the dentist removes a cavity.

Whether you are busy soaking up the sun in Scottsdale, Arizona or eating a hot dog on the streets of New York, one thing all of us have in common is that filling a cavity is not something we look forward to.

For many people, especially kids, undergoing a procedure like getting a cavity filled can be stressful, even dreaded.

Fortunately, there is now a new kind of treatment that eliminates the need for drilling teeth.  This treatment, called ICON®, is a great, stress-free method of filling cavities that have not yet formed a physical hole in the tooth.

Why choose ICON?  Well, for one it is trusted.  Countless dentists have used this procedure as a less invasive treatment for minor cavities.  But perhaps the biggest benefit is to patients.

What’s so great about no-drill fillings?

The American Dental Association (ADA) defines a cavity as tooth decay caused by bacteria. When tooth decay is in its very early stages, patients will most likely be advised to brush better or use special fluoride toothpaste.  Once the cavity has fully formed, it has to be filled. The tooth can eventually die if the cavity is left untreated.

But during the in-between stage, when decay is recognizable but not yet bad enough to be filled, patients now have the option of no-drill fillings to prevent further damage.

Stops progression of tooth decay

With ICON restorations, a mild form of acid opens up the pores of the decayed tooth area.  The pores are then filled in with a coat of resin.  This stops the cavity in its tracks, prevents it from becoming worse and prolongs the tooth’s life.


Pain might be the biggest deterrent for kids and adults alike when it’s time to visit the dentist.  Often the thought of undergoing pain is worse than the actual pain itself.

That’s what makes ICON so great. The no-drill procedure is painless, which is a huge benefit for those that squirm at the thought of dental noise.  This is especially beneficial for people and can make a trip to the dentist quieter.

One procedure

No one likes making multiple trips to the dentist (even adults).  The no-drill procedure is fast; in a single sitting patients can get their cavities taken care of.

Want to avoid drilling at your next visit?

Ask your local dentist if they offer no-drill fillings for you and your family.  And remember, prevention is just as important as treatment.  The quicker you can treat a cavity in its early stages, the more you will be able to prevent future damage.

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