Once Upon A time – The Lady In The Lake

Once Upon A time – The Lady In The Lake

Snow (Jennifer Goodwin) has a bonding moment with James' mother, Ruth (Gabrielle rose)

In Once Upon A time, S2, episode 3, it seems everyone gets a bonding moment, or the chance to meet someone, for the first time.

One of the first time meetings shown are with Cora, who is Regina’s mother. Is Cora really as evil as Regina claims she is?

In the  opening of the episode, our heroes make plans to take back the kingdom. The same kingdom Regina stole from Snow by killing her father.

To make matters worse, King George is after James for not keeping his promise to marry King Mida’s daughter, Princess Katherine ( Season 1 episode 20 tells her story). The King has a new general to help find James. King George’s new general is the Leviathan, aka Lancelot (Round Table knight gone rogue). The army has found our heroes and now Snow, Ruby, and James must split up to get away.

Meanwhile, Snow and Emma are prisoners in the Enchanted Forest. While things look bleak, fans of the show know something has to give… it’s a nail-biter, since  after a push into the magic mirror, they find Regina’s mother is alive and well in the Enchanted Forest.

James and Henry have their "one on one time"

While Emma and Snow try to survive, James and Henry, work on getting mother and daughter back to the present day.

Henry finds Jefferson/The Mad Hatter (against James’ advice). Henry works on convincing Jefferson to help them open the portal to get his mom (Emma) and grandmother (Snow) back home. Jefferson says he can’t help,but it seems he has some heavy baggage concerning his own abandonment issues.

Back in the past poor Snow as been cursed. This time by King George, who gave Snow a cursed drink and informed her  she would never have children. King George’s soldiers find James and in the process James’ mother, Ruth, is hit by a poisoned arrow. Only the waters of the Lady in the Lake can possibly heal her since the poison is too powerful for fairy dust. Ruth suggests that Snow drink of the lake to cure her of the curse of being childless. To tell more would ruin it for the fans who haven’t seen the episode yet!

To sum it up, Snow and Emma (who almost didn’t exist), are trying to find a way home. The four women, Snow, Emma, Mulan, and Princess Aurora, end up banding together after finding out that Cora has more magic than she claimed. Cora surely has something up her sleeve with an agenda of her own. We are waiting to find out if Jefferson will help to open the portal.

As the characters have some “one on one” bonding time, we get to watch them grow into themselves and learn to live the hand they were dealt. The next episode is coming in one week, on October 21st.

Season 1 is available through streaming on Netflix, and current episodes are available through Amazon Instant Video and Itunes.

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Busanee Dominguez

Busanee is a military spouse and a mother of four teenagers and has lived in Germany for five years. The opportunity to travel has been great for the entire family. Busanee started writing professionally in 2008. She is a 2008 Nanowrimo winner and has written two novels; Voices of Clara (2008 Nanowrimo story) and The Ghost Of Buckland Abbey, in the process of publication. Busanee also started her own blog site at www.brouhaha-access.com, which advocates continuous search for knowledge. Busanee has articles published in the 2009 & 2011 Winter issues of Dialect Magazine on travel to Amsterdam and Bavaria Germany.

When not writing Busanee enjoys reading, hanging out with family, traveling, and playing hidden object on Big Fish Games ( Big Fish Games Homepage ).

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