VOIP provider Phone Power appears to be having a rather large outage.
Our own Phone Power phone service went down just after 3pm US Eastern Time. A call in progress was interrupted and attempts to reconnect resulted in nothing happening after dialing. At that time, there was still a dial tone available when the phone was first picked up. At about 3:45pm, we began getting the ‘device not registered’ recorded message when the phone is picked up.
Along with the VOIP system being down, Phone Power’s website is also down. Unfortunately, Phone Power’s “network status” page is a part of their website, so that is unavailable. Users on an unofficial Phone Power Facebook page are reporting that calls to Phone Power customer service are not being answered.
Phone Power sent out a Tweet at about 3:30pm (Eastern Time) stating “At 7:45am PT a core router crashed in Los Angeles impacting inbound/outbound calls. Engineers are working to resolve the problem asap.”
Looks like this outage has gone on for much of the day. Long before we first noticed it. No further updates have been issued since then, though many customers, through Tweets, are requesting them.
At 4:42pm (ET) Phone Power, through Twitter, is reporting that “Routing has been restored and Phone Power services are coming back online.”
However, at this point, we are still getting the “device not registered” recording when the phone is picked up.
At 4:52pm (ET), Phone Power’s website came online briefly, then back down.
At 4:56pm (ET), Phone Power Tweeted “The network is coming up slower than we anticipated. We will continue to update everyone with our status.”
5:40pm (ET), here we are getting dial tone now, but just a fast busy upon attempts to dial out. Lots of complaints from Phone Power customers on Twitter.
Some examples:
Bob Sisson, ACI @asktheinspector Tweets:
@PPowerNetStatus 7hr outage with no updates? You have some explaining to do. Ever heard of Redundancy? Many people want explanations.George Whittaker @GWInvestor Tweets:
@PPowerNetStatus @phonepower YOU’RE FIRED! – not for the outage but for ZERO communications about it to us – your customers!Meg Schmidt @Zigs26 Tweets:
@PPowerNetStatus we’re questioning based on today’s service & responses….we need phone power now!!!! we need our business back up
A few minutes after 6pm (ET), Phone Power tweeted that service has been restored – however, a slew of Tweets are still coming in from Phone Power customers saying their service is still not working…
Tweets coming in after Phone Power’s tweet saying the service has been restored:
Trevor White @wdwt Tweets:
@PPowerNetStatus Still getting “We’re sorry, your call did not go through…”ComputerWhatever @ComputerWhateve Tweets:
@PPowerNetStatus my phone number says that my phone number is disconnected.kent mccarthy @kentmccarthy62 Tweets:
@kentmccarthy62 @PPowerNetStatus “We’re sorry, your call did not go through. Will you please try your call again.”Shawn Halsey @shawnhalsey Tweets:
@PPowerNetStatus It does appear that incoming calls are working but outgoing calls are still not completing.
Closing in on 7pm (ET), a smattering of Tweets are saying their service is restored and working, others still reporting problems. PhonePower.com still down.
Phone Power now saying outage caused by “major cyber attack” – more here: https://consumer.press/phone-power-reports-outage-due-to-major-cyber-attack/3678603/
As of 8pm (ET), some customers still complaining on Twitter that their service is not working.
Read more about the cyber attack here.