Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills: Premier Answers Nagging Questions

Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills: Premier Answers Nagging Questions

Bravo’s first ladies of Beverly Hills have made their return, and last night’s season premiere kicked off with a bang.

Last season’s finale left us with so many unanswered questions and loose ends regarding Taylor’s well being and Kim’s sobriety. Here are some of the highlights from the premiere episode:

– Lisa and Brandy seem to have gotten extremely close during the time off. Brandy was Lisa’s first guest at her new “scaled down” home. Scaled down for Lisa Vanderpump is a football field for a closet! It makes perfect sense that these two would end up being friends. They both have the same brash, sarcastic sense of humor.

– This season sheds light on what led Adrianne and Paul to the nasty divorce they’re going through right now. Adrianne is also having some issues with Lisa. She wasn’t invited to Lisa’s Vila Blanca party, which as we all know is a slap in the face for the housewives. Especially when everyone else will be there filming. Not to be completely left out, Adrianne surprised Lisa with a gigantic flower bouquet that took up half the restaurant. It left the ladies wondering if it was a nice gesture or a slap in the face.

– Taylor seems to be in extremely good spirits this season. She jokes about gaining ten pounds, which was greatly needed. She also is rumored to be in a relationship with a man who has a creepy resemblance to Russel, clearly she has a type. The tension is still there between Taylor and Brandy, and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

– Kim is sober, and seems to be in a really good place in her life. No creepy, controlling boyfriends, and shes completely sober. There is still tension between Kyle and Kim, but you’ll have that with sisters.

– As happy as Kim may be, Kyle is still going through the healing process of Kim’s addiction. These two have a lot to work out in their relationship, and it seems like it make take a good amount of time before the sisters get back to the place they were in the past.

– We were introduced to a new housewife, Yolanda H Foster. Yolanda is married to music legend David Foster. She was once married to Mohamed Hadid, friend of Lisa Vanderpump. You probably know him as the guy that throws crazy parties that the ladies attend. Because of this, Yolanda and Lisa have a preexisting friendship.

The season premiere of The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills was exactly what you would expect, indulgent and entertaining.

What did you think of the premiere? Leave your comments below!

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