Robert Downey Jr. Leaves Awkward Avengers Interview

Avengers Age of Ultron star Robert Downey Jr. walked out of interview after being asked a series of uncomfortable questions.

U.K. Channel 4 presenter Krishnan Guru-Murthy’s interview with Downey started out well, but took a turn for the worse when questions strayed away from Downey’s films.

Guru-Murthy’s questions went from Downey’s opinion on Iron Man and Ultron, to his past jail time, views on liberalism, and relationship with his father. Upon hearing the question concerning his liberal views, The star’s face became a mask of confusion as he quickly remarked “Are we promoting a movie?”

Despite visual discomfort, Downey continued to answer the questions in a professional manner, telling the presenter “You have as much time as anyone else will” after hearing Guru-Murthy’s desire to keep asking questions about his “dark periods.”

The final straw came when Downey received a question about his father and the role he played in “Taking drugs and drinking, all of that.”

“I’m sorry, I really don’t, what are we doing?” was his last comment before the star said “Bye!” and promptly left the interview.

True to his nature, he offered a closing comment before walking out the door, “It’s getting a little Diane Sawyer in here.”

Avengers Age of Ultron premieres in the U.S. on May 1st, and it’s safe to say that Guru-Murthy will not be getting a formal invitation. See the moment unfold in the video below and comment on what you think about the situation.

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Kesten Harris

Kesten Harris is an aspiring writer who saw a chance to pursue journalism and took it. When he's not writing stories that will hopefully be published someday, he's spending time with friends or relaxing with a good video game. He also runs his own personal blog at

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