Sam’s Club Tops List As Having Best Customer Experience

A new study was released today that listed Sam’s Club as the company with the highest customer experience ranking.

The study was done by the Temkin Group and is called the 2012 Temkin Experience Ratings. The Temkin Group polled 10,000 US consumers last month. Participants were asked questions related to 24 retailers, concerning whether each company met their needs, how easy it was to accomplish their tasks, and how they felt about their interactions with the company.

Sam’s Club came in 1st in the customer experience rankings. They were also the only retailer that scored in the ‘excellent’ range, with 85%. Last year they were ranked 4th.

Number 2 in the rankings this year is They were 1st last year.

Target, Walgreens, and BJ’s Wholesale Club filled out the top 5.

JCPenney came in 9th place. It will be interesting to see how they score next year considering the changes they have recently implemented in the way they present themselves to shoppers.

Surprises? Well, Best Buy, which we cover quite a bit here at NSF because they have a lot of sales, plus the latest in tech, scored an ‘OK’ with a 67% rating. They were ranked 18th.

The 67% rating Best Buy received is the same score that Kmart and Sears received. Best Buy scoring the same as both Kmart and Sears – two stores (both owned by Sears) that are struggling and having to close stores – should be a major wake up call to the electronics retailer.

At the very bottom of the top 25 retailers, and the only retailer that was in the ‘poor’ range with a score of 57%, is RadioShack.

Other industries were looked at in the study as well, including grocery stores, fast food restaurants, and banks. We’ll be looking at those results here at CP throughout the week.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Faroh Sauder

Faroh Sauder has spent more than 30 years working as a journalist and educator. He has written on politics, international affairs, civil rights, and consumer education.

Now mostly retired, Faroh continues to stay current on tech and consumer issues and reports on his interests here at Consumer Press