Scream Queens: Pilot & Hell Week

The hype for Scream Queens was definitely up there.  With no shortage of famous names, Emma Roberts was the frontrunner for the new drama.

After seeing the double-feature premiere, I still can’t decide how I feel about the show.

The show began with a disclaimer that viewer discretion was advised.  It gave me high hopes, thinking it wouldn’t be a cheesy television horror flick.

It was, but it wasn’t.

There were so many moments that had me literally cringing at the writing (and acting) within the episodes.  Chanel #2 (Ariana Grande)’s death scene had me covering my eyes, but not in fear.  I was embarrassed for Ariana, not only for the poor acting, but the poor writing as well.  Her leap toward the computer after “dying” to send her final tweet made me want to search for the remote and flip the channel.

While that wasn’t the only awkward and cringe-worthy moment, there were some genuinely scary scenes that had me cringing in fear rather than embarrassment.  However, most of those cringes were in anticipation rather than actual gore or scare (example: the lawn mower scene).

The concept of the series is a good one.  It could have been executed in a much better manner. I think it functions as a younger, tween version of American Horror Story that can be aired on prime-time television.

As for the content of the show, the mystery revolving around who is in the devil costume reminds me a lot of Pretty Little Liars.  Who is A?  Who is the Devil?  Again, almost a knock-off. When it comes to the Devil in Scream Queens, I have 3 prime suspects as of yet: The Dean of Students (Jamie Lee Curtis),  Hester “Neckbrace” Ulrich (Lea Michele), or Pete Martínez (Diego Boneta).

Here’s the problem with wannabe shows: they are wannabes.  Be original and let other shows speak for themselves.

Did you like Scream Queens?  Who are your suspects?  Let us know!

Scream Queens airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on FOX.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Meg Thomson

Hi! I'm Meg Thomson. I'm a 21-year-old undergraduate. I have a passion for film and television as well as beauty and makeup, and I'm excited to be able to share news and stories with you!