Several Critically Acclaimed Games Are Now Free On PSN

Several Critically Acclaimed Games Are Now Free On PSN

Sony is giving away a number critically acclaimed video games to everyone who has signed up for their PlayStation Plus service, according to the official PlayStation Blog.

After the recent release of the PS4 and Xbox One, it appears that Sony is attempting to keep the previous generation of video consoles afloat by offering up a few new freebies to their notoriously nostalgic and vehemently loyal customer base.

Surprisingly, Vita owners have not been forgotten. Two free games will be released for the universally loved, yet commercially disappointing, handheld gaming console.

Games for the PS3

– Grid 2: Somewhere between an over the top arcade racer and a super precise motor vehicle simulator, Grid 2 is a title that attempts to bridge the gap between players on both ends of the “gear head” spectrum. With top notch graphics (by last gen standards) and an adequate selection of cars and tracks, Grid 2 is a game that just about anyone can enjoy.

– Borderlands 2: The sequel to the extremely polarizing Borderlands 1 (released on the 20th of October 2009), Borderlands 2 is definitely a title that is worth checking out. With the main critiques of the first game centering around its lackluster story and a ridiculously repetitive mission structure, Borderlands 2 attempts to step up the variety and create a more well rounded gaming experience.

– Dyad: Dyad is a visually stunning, ridiculously difficult, yet strangely compelling puzzle game for the PS3. Exclusive to the PlayStation Network, Dyad is an orgy for the senses and should be experienced by gamers of all ages.

 Games for the Vita

Sonic and the All-Stars Racing Transformed: A racing game with cars, boats and planes where players race against each other as characters from various Sega games. This game was released just last year.

Urban Trial Freestyle: A motocross game that has admittedly received some very lukewarm reviews from critics.


All of the games listed above will become available in the “Instant Games Collection” some time during the month of December.

Do you still care about the PS3? Have you already upgraded to a shiny new PS4?

Tell us in the comments section below.

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*Side Note :  According to Sony, “A one-year PlayStation Plus membership will be $29.99 on Black Friday only” *

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Adrian Gordon

Adrian Gordon is a Jamaican freelance writer with a finger on the pulse of the current hot topics. Technology enthusiasts, entertainment junkies, bookworms and shopaholics can sign up for his email alert or, instead, follow him on social media for the latest news, reviews and tips meant save you a few extra $$$.