Sony Starts New Year With Sony Tablet S Price Cut

Sony Starts New Year With Sony Tablet S Price Cut

Sony has started the New Year with something we might soon see more of – a price cut on a top-of-the-line tablet.

Today the news broke that Sony has cut the price of the Sony Tablet S by $100, taking it from $499 for the 16GB version and $599 for the 32GB version down to $399 and $499 respectfully. The price cut took affect today, right after it was announced, and is now available through their site and at other retailers.

Sony-Tablet-SThe price cut is not a limited time special, according to Sony. A spokeswoman from the company referred it as “permanent.” Launched in September, the Sony Tablet S has not been on the market for long – which makes this price cut eerily similar to the price cuts that the HP TouchPad (our more are on the way)… or the Apple iPad.

This price cut puts the Sony Tablet S in between the two. More powerful than the cheap models, less expensive than the iPad. But will shoppers buy at $399, or will it require a bit more of a discount for Sony to get the Sony Tablet S moving off store shelves respectfully? We expect it’s still a little on the high side and that Sony will have to goose sales a bit with another discount on top of the new permanent price. In the end though, you, the shopper, will be the deciding factor.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Andria Rib

Andria loves to shop and loves to save money when she's shopping! An avid couponer and bargain hunter, Andria regularly cuts her grocery bill in half through purposeful coupon management. She shares her love of shopping, fun, and entertainment, here at News For Shoppers.