Space Glasses Gives Us A Peak Into The Future

Space Glasses Gives Us A Peak Into The Future

Space Glasses

A mind boggling video called “SpaceGlasses” has recently surfaced from the depths of the web.

The video showcases an aggregation of clips starring a set of indiscriminate individuals, all of which, perform a variety of everyday tasks augmented by a curious pair of glasses ( With the words Meta imprinted on its side).

The glasses seem to be quite similar, both in form and function,  to Google recently revealed offering (Google Glass).

On closer inspection however, unlike Google Glass whose 640 x 360 resolution screen sits in the upper right hand side of the wearer’s vision, these Meta glasses seem to take over both the users foveal and peripheral vision.

The Website

The SpaceGlasses website is a single page containing an amalgamation of video’s, as well as, both the software and hardware specifications.

These videos do an excellent job of highlighting the utility of the technology in a wide variety of real world situations while, at the same time, leaving some room for viewers to ponder the possibilities.

 Unfortunately, they are not fully ready for prime time as It would take the some of the worlds bravest of souls to actually step out into society with this contraption on their face. If Meta, however,  are able to refine this monstrous design then, they should have no problems getting their device into the hands of the masses.

When can you get them ?

Amazingly, consumers can already get their hands on these glasses by ordering them direct from the SpaceGlases website. We will definitely be keeping an eye on this one.

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Adrian Gordon

Adrian Gordon is a Jamaican freelance writer with a finger on the pulse of the current hot topics. Technology enthusiasts, entertainment junkies, bookworms and shopaholics can sign up for his email alert or, instead, follow him on social media for the latest news, reviews and tips meant save you a few extra $$$.

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