Stylish Canine’s Black Friday Sale

We all like to have our canine looking their best, now don’t we?

Over at Stylish Canine they make and stock a wide range of handmade, bespoke accessories to make your beloved dog stand out in the crowd.

The main hooks this Black Friday are 35% off collars, leashes and decals. 60% off embroidered t-shirts until they are all sold, and a free gift with every $20+ gift certificate purchase.

Be sure to use the coupon code BLACKFRIDAY at checkout to apply the discounts. This discount will stack with any existing offers across the whole range too.

You can find collar designs to match your favourite sports team, breed of dog, preferred color, and much more. Plus, it’s worth noting that a donation is made to the Perfect Dog Rescue Foundation with every t-shirt sale.

The majority of the items for sale on the Stylish Canine website are very unique. You’ll most likely end up spoilt for choice and torn between several accessories.

Are you a style concious dog owner? Will you be picking up anything special to set your dog apart from the rest? Please leave a comment if you have any recommendations or style tips.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Phil Avent

I enjoy writing and sharing my experiences with anyone who will listen. I have been fortunate enough to have owned a menagerie of animals, traveled the globe, experienced a wide range of foods and activities, and love to write about it.

Feel free to contact me, I am very responsive. 🙂