Walmart Guarantee Card: Shoppers Frustrated By Registration Site

Walmart Guarantee Card: Shoppers Frustrated By Registration Site

*This post is from 2012 – to see our most recent post about problems with Walmart’s one hour in-stock guarantee program for 2013, click here!

Walmart shoppers who received a Guarantee Card in Walmart’s Black Friday In-Stock Guarantee promotion are complaining about issues related to the registration process.

As we noted in our story about Walmart’s In-Stock Guarantee promotion earlier today, there was a statement in the fine print which indicated shoppers had to register their Guarantee Card by 11:59pm CST, Sunday, November 25, 2012.

At that time we noted that there wasn’t any further information on Walmart’s site about the registration process.

Thanks to reader Kalli Caterina, at least we now have the address/url to use for registering the guarantee card:

But the address isn’t the only issue that CP readers are complaining about.

Many are voicing frustration about the lack of clear instructions. There are complaints about not receiving conformation emails, and many report having trouble accessing the registration page – either being timed out, or the page going down while they are trying to use it.

“I am already a registered member of the Walmart website, but there is nothing on the site to show you how to register the card. How will they know I have a TV coming if I don’t tell them. I did not give them info at the register at Walmart. Very confusing,” Ruth Waller told us through Facebook.

What number on my card goes into the “guarantee card:————-” slot on the register form.
and what number on my card goes on the “pin number:————-” slot on the register form?
i are cun fuzzled dawg…someone help,” asked George Attia.

“I registered, but did not receive a confirmation email. A little uneasy about this…” said Jamie Sprowls.

“Starting to get irritated….been trying to register for the last hour. Not enjoying the at all,” complained Helen McVicker.

The guarantee cards were issued for three products: an LG Blu-ray player; an Emerson, 32 inch, HDTV; and an iPad 2 with a $75 gift card. They were available to shoppers at Walmart from 10pm to 11pm Thursday. The cards were issued if the store ran out of stock, and had to be paid for up front.

We have contacted Walmart for a statement concerning these issues. We will update this story if and when we receive a response.

In the meantime, do you have comments, suggestions, or advice for shoppers struggling to complete the registration process? Leave your questions – or help – below!

And be sure to follow CP on Facebook for updates!

Update: Walmart Admits Problems, Registration Deadline Extended