WiFi Thermostat Allows Users To Adjust Heat/Air While Away From Home

A relatively simple change to a home that can help save money, be green, and let you have some fun while doing it is the installation of a WiFi thermostat.

The one appliance in your home that has been neglected by the wireless ethernet revolution has been the thermostat.  And it is this small device that controls the energy usage in a home, a decent part of any household budget.

Today, there are a multitude of options available for consumers that range in price from around $89 all the way up into the high hundreds.  These include models from Honeywell and Filtrete and from relative newcomers such as Nest and Ecobee.

The principle of these wireless devices is that they replace your old (less than smart) thermostat with a WiFi-connected one.

This WiFi connection allows the thermostat to connect to the web where it can report on home conditions and receive orders.  The commands it receives are from the owner, via a web page or via a mobile device app allowing you to change your home’s temperature on a whim.

Coming home from work early in the winter and want it warm and toasty?  Just open the app and turn up the temperature.

Let us know what you think?  Do you have a story about your new WiFi thermostat?

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Jonell Peters

Jonell is a freelance writer, an early adopter of technology, a connoisseur of food, and an avid traveler. He loves reading about, understanding the details, and reporting on the latest and greatest consumer goods.

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