Christmas Day Movies, 2014 – Full List Of What’s Out

Christmas Day is one of the busiest times of the year in the movie industry and this year is no exception with 8 movies set to be released.

For those of you interested in catching a flick with your family or loved ones here’s a list of what’s coming out, who’s in it and what each film is about.

Check your local theaters for show times.

‘The Interview”

After much debate and speculation Sony has announced the movie will be released Christmas Day in select theaters.

A comedy starring James Franco and Seth Rogen as journalists who are hired to kill North Korean dictator Kin Jong Un, it was pulled from national release after threats towards movie theaters were made by extremist groups.

It is being hailed as one of the funniest movies of the year, so those interested should see what it’s all about.


Everyone is talking about this movie (or at least about the fact that it was directed by Angelina Jolie) but it has has gotten mixed reviews and has been snubbed by most of the pre-Oscar award shows.

The film tells the true life story of former track star Louis Zamperini, who was a Japanese prisoner of war for over 2 years following World War II.

Starring Jack O’Connell the movie should have enough interesting/compelling moments to make it worth watching.


A movie being touted as must-see, it follows the path of Martin Luther King Jr., as he attempts to lead a march for voting rights  from Selma to Montgomery Alabama.

Early reviews are hailing David Oyelowo, who plays Dr. King and everyone who has seen it is recommending it for it’s emotional and powerful rhetoric on race relations both past and present.

“Into The Woods”

This is a good choice for families and musical lovers as it is an adaptation of the book of the same name and follows a host of fairy-tale characters, from “Cinderella, “Rapunzel”, “Jack & The Beanstalk” and  “Little Red Riding Hood” after a witch (Meryl Streep)curses a baker and his wife.

With an all-star cast that includes Johnny Depp, Anna Kendrick and more it is a fun, feel good movie.

“The Imitation Game”

Set in World War II this based on true-events movie has been getting a lot of Oscar buzz thanks to incredible performances by Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightly.

This movie tells the story of genius mathematician Alan Turing, who leads a group on a secret mission to crack a German code that will help the British to win the war.

Sadly, the revelation that Turing is gay leads to a tragic chain of events, making this a gripping film from start to finish.

“The Gambler”

This film, like it’s name intimates is all about taking gambles as a professor falls into serious trouble as a result of his double life .

It stars Mark Wahlberg as the professor and John Goodman as the bad guy, so expect a lot of action and some gruesome payback scenes

Although it looks like a typical Mark Wahlberg film most of his films are both entertaining and well-done, making this a good choice.

“American Sniper”

Directed by Clint Eastwood this is the story of U.S. Navy Seal Chris Kyle, who was touted as the “deadliest sniper ever” and is based on the book of the same name.

Bradley Cooper plays the role of Kyle and brings a complex mix of bravado and vulnerability to life, making it a film moviegoers will be talking about for some time.

“Big Eyes”

Another real-life story, this comedy/drama is based on the life of artist Margaret Keane, who’s husband tries to steal her success and starts taking credit for her big eyes series of paintings.

It stars Amy Adams and Christoph Waltz, both of whom have been nominated for Golden Globes and is worth taking a look at.

Will you be seeing any of these films on Christmas Day?  Tell us what you’ll be seeing below and share this post with your friends so they can know about these new releases too.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Tracy Ortiz

I am a mom to 2 little boys: a 10 year- old and an 8 year-old and they are the only things I love more than writing. I am an avid reader, a big sports fan and love a good deal. Most of all, I love keeping up on the latest consumer news and sharing my findings with all of you. When I'm not writing I'm painting- check out my latest in my shop: