Apple iOS 10 Update Is Bricking iPhones & iPads- Causing Major Headaches

Apple’s new iOS 10 software update has many users seeing black- as in a black, blank screen, due to glitches in the system.

Shortly after the new software was released earlier today, users started flooding social media, complaining they had been “bricked.”

Bricking is a term used to describe when users are denied access to their phones and only see a blank screen.

To correct the problem, users are advised to plug their devices into a computer via USB, connect to iTunes and restore the most recent back-up.

For those who have not updated their devices yet, it appears to be safe to do so now, as Apple released a statement to CNN via email stating:

“We experienced a brief issue with the software update process, affecting a small number of users during the first hour of availability,” and that “The problem was quickly resolved and we apologize to those customers. Anyone who was affected should connect to iTunes to complete the update or contact AppleCare for help.”

Glitches with Apple software is quite common, which is why many users opt to wait a day or so before uploading to make sure the kinks have been worked out.

While the glitches can be stressful, there is a lot to be excited about with the new iOS 10 software, with a heavy emphasis on photos, improved Maps interface, and best of all, the ability to remove default apps like Stocks or Find My Friends.

Did you get bricked by Apple’s iOS 10 update?

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Tracy Ortiz

I am a mom to 2 little boys: a 10 year- old and an 8 year-old and they are the only things I love more than writing. I am an avid reader, a big sports fan and love a good deal. Most of all, I love keeping up on the latest consumer news and sharing my findings with all of you. When I'm not writing I'm painting- check out my latest in my shop: