A sequel of the popular Avatar: The Last Airbender, is set to premier on Nickelodeon on April 14. There are currently 26 episodes of the animated series contracted to air.
Avatar: The Last Airbender was an animated series than ran on Nickelodeon from 2005 to 2008 (there was also a 2010 live action movie based on the story). The story evolved around Aang, whose mission is to save the world from an evil leader of the Fire Nation, which plans to take over the world.
The Legend Of Korra follows the life of Korra, who like Aang, is an avatar. A special person who has the ability to ‘bend,’ or control, the four basic elements, fire, water, air, and earth. Like the original show, the sequel will borrow extensively from the mythology of the ancient Chinese martial arts of Kung Fu and Tai Chi.
Korra is described as being headstrong and independent, which is a common character trait amongst females in the original series – really a common trait of almost all the main characters in the original series. The sequel will take place in “Republic City,” a city founded by Aang and Zuko after the end of a war that takes place in the original series.
The sequel will include many shoutouts to characters from the original. In a preview trailer, shown below, a statue of Aang can be seen. There will also be desendents of the original characters, such as Aang’s daughter, Tenzin, his granddaughter, Jinora, grandson Meelo, and Toph Beifong’s daughter, Lin Beifong.
The Legend Of Korra will premier on Nickelodeon April 14th.