Best Buy’s $50 Gift Card Cell Phone Offer Ends Tonight

Best Buy’s $50 Gift Card Cell Phone Offer Ends Tonight

Best Buy is currently running a cell phone promotion that ends tonight.

The deal began February 1 and promises a $50 gift card to shoppers who pre-register to buy a cell phone from Best Buy sometime before the end of this year. Our original report on this story is here.

The promotion was launched as part of a Super Bowl promotion. More often than not, shoppers head to their carrier when it’s time for a new cell phone. Best Buy’s promotion appears to be an attempt to capture some of that traffic. It’s expected that, by making a commitment, and with a $50 Best Buy on the line, shoppers will be Best-Buy-$50-Cell-Phone-Promomore likely to buy their next phone at Best Buy.

But what if a shopper pre-registered to buy their next phone at Best Buy, but ends up getting it somewhere else? “There is no obligation once a phone number is registered,” Best Buy said in a statement. However, it should be noted that the shopper only receives the gift card once the phone is purchased – not at the time of sign up.

The promotion is good for phones from Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile with a two year contract. The sign up form is at: The sign up must be completed by midnight, US Central Time, tonight, to qualify. Up to 5 phone numbers per family can qualify.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Jimmy Borough

Jimmy is an assistant editor and a writer here at News For Shoppers. He has more than two decades of experience in the shopping industry, having worked in sales and marketing in both the technology and fashion industries.