Big Brother Recap Ep 14 – More Bigotry Awfulness + Nomination Spoilers

Big Brother Recap Ep 14 – More Bigotry Awfulness + Nomination Spoilers

Last Thursday, BB fans almost had their wish come true when Aaryn was on the block, but the house guests decided to save her again.

In a twist of fate, she won the HOH competition and therefore guaranteed her safety in the Big Brother House for another week.

Elissa and Candice are mortified that Aaryn gets to run the house for a second time. Aaryn’s first HOH rein was what got her into trouble in the first place. She made bigoted remarks to the minorities in the house and since then has shown no remorse about those comments.

It’s safe to say now that CBS will never do anything about the racists and homophobic comments made by the house guests on the show, so watch the show at your own risk. A BB fan compiled all of the bigot remarks made in the house so far as shown in the video below. This show is no longer Big Brother with all the bigotry nonsense going on.

Before the live eviction, Aaryn made a deal with Helen to let her choose her nominees if she won HOH, but will Aaryn hold the deal? The house has been controlled by one alliance and the underdogs would like to see a power shift.

For a second week in a row America is the MVP and will choose the third nominee. Results will be revealed on Wednesday’s episode, but if you’re itching to find out who we nominated, check out the spoilers below.

Candice, Howard and Spencer are potential targets as they are not in anyone’s alliance. Candice attempted to make a deal with Aaryn to nominate Amanda and McCrae, but Aaryn is scared too go against the house. Regardless of what Aaryn does this week, she will be back on the block next week as she cannot play in the HOH competition.

The have nots of the week are Judd, Gina Marie, Amanda and Candice (who has been a have not for 2 weeks already.) They will be eating ramen, raisin and slop, which is actually not as bad as the Lima beans and Liver they had last week.

At this point Amanda and Helen are running the house, but none of them realize that. In the live feeds we see that Helen has been throwing her closest alliance (Elissa and Candice), multiple times under the bus. Lying is the name of the game and she has been doing a superb job at that. Amanda has been a terrible competitor, but her social game will carry her through for many more weeks.

In the end, Aaryn decides to go with the house as she nominates Spencer and Howard for eliminations.

Here is the video of all the nastiness going on in the house

[toggle title=”For spoilers – click here!” state=”close” ]America’s third nominee was Amanda. She thinks Howard put her up and that put an even bigger target on Howard. Candice tried to make a deal with Helen for Howard’s safety but things turned sour as Helen walked out when confronted with the truth. Spencer won the veto competition and will be taking himself off the block. A replacement nominee has not been named but Candice will likely be going up. Candice ruffled a lot of feathers trying to get people to save Howard and now Howard is using that to make Candice more of a target. Elissa and Aaryn finally hugged it out and are cordial towards each other.[/toggle]

Don’t forget to tune in on Wednesday and Thursday for the veto ceremony and live eviction.

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