Bioware Reveals Dragon Age 3:Inquisition For 2013, With Frostbite 2 Engine

Bioware Reveals Dragon Age 3:Inquisition For 2013, With Frostbite 2 Engine

Bioware, the developers of the popular RPG Dragon Age series have made it official, Dragon Age 3 : Inquisition is all set to release in the latter half of 2013.

Called Dragon Age 3: Inquisition, the game is powered by EA’s Frostbite 2 engine and has been in production since 2010.

The next chapter in the award-winning role-playing (RPG) franchise, is in development at BioWare Edmonton and BioWare Montreal. The DRagon Age series has sold over eight million copies world wide. According to the official announcement, the game will combine “the storytelling legacy BioWare is known for, with deep RPG gameplay, all on a brand new RPG game engine underpinned by EA’s critically-acclaimed Frostbite 2 technology”.

“The Dragon Age team has been working on Dragon Age 3: Inquisition for almost two years now,” BioWare Edmonton and Montreal GM Aaryn Flynn stated. “We’ve been poring over player feedback from past games and connecting directly with our fans. They haven’t held back, so we’re not either.”, reports

While both the Dragon Age games so far have been widely popular, the second game in the franchise was not as appreciated as the first. Thus the expectations will be riding high on the performance of the frostbite 2 engine and the story of the next in franchise.

What are your expectations of Dragon Age 3? Tell us about it in the comments section below.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Adiolf Ten

Adiolf is a writer who likes to share his passion for two primary subjects of gaming and movies. He has a master's degree in Computer Applications but finds his major time being spent on playing all sorts of games and watching the best and sometimes the worst of movies. If you would like to read more of his work you can visit his Movies Blog, Hollywood Blog and his Gaming Blog. For walkthrough's, video reviews and let's play videos, you can visit his YouTube Channel.