Black Friday Deals Now Online

Black Friday Deals Now Online

Walmart and Target have launched their online Black Friday sales today.

In this writer’s family, while some family members are prepping a Thanksgiving feast, trussing up turkeys and making side dishes, others are checking out their tablets and smartphones for the latest deals.

Amazon actually started their Black Friday deals really early, back on the first of November, when they opened their Black Friday store. If you are a regular here at CP, you’re already familiar with their Lightning, Daily and Weekly Deals. and launched their pre-Black Friday sales early this week. Their official Black Friday sales started online this morning.

Some of Walmart’s featured Black Friday items online right now include a Wii Starter Bundle for $99, a DVD bundles starting at $20, a 7 inch HKC tablet for $99, a $250 Dyson vacuum, and a $79 basketball hoop set.

Over at Target, featured Black Friday items online include SLR digital cameras as low as $99, Force Flyers for $49.99, Halo 4 for $59.99, and big screen HDTVs starting at $247.99.

The push to begin Black Friday sales hours, if not weeks (in Amazon’s case), early,  began seriously taking shape last year. While the earlier opening hours at brick and mortar stores have stirred controversy, shoppers appear to be embracing the early Black Friday sales online.

“It’s just so much easier. No staying up late or getting up early, and no crowds to fight,” stated an avid Black Friday shopper/family member sitting next to me. After making an online purchase through her iPad though, she lamented “It’s not the same rush though.”

How do you feel about Black Friday shopping online? Do you Black Friday shop both online and off? Tell us about your strategy, and how much fun it is, or isn’t, using the comments section below!

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Cassie Sommers

Cassie is back! One of our founding writers, Cassie has returned to write for CP after taking some time off to travel across Asia. Cassie has a BS in Journalism and loves all things entertainment. If it has to do with games, movies, tv, or travel, she's on it.