Breaking Bad Marathon Begins Friday After Christmas – Inclds All 5 Seasons

Breaking Bad Marathon Begins Friday After Christmas – Inclds All 5 Seasons

All 5 seasons of Breaking Bad will be shown in a 4-day marathon on AMC.

The marathon will start with the pilot episode at noon the Friday after Christmas, December 27.

The Breaking Bad marathon will include videos of insider tidbits about the show and behind the scenes interviews.

After the one hour pilot, the marathon continues with all of season 1 and the first 9 episodes of season 2, ending with Better Call Saul at 5:04am on December 28.

Breaking Bad fans then have a 7 hour break before the marathon is back on at noon on December 28 starting with S2 episode 10, Over.  This segment of the marathon runs to 5:04am on December 29 and wraps up with S3, episode 12, Half Measures.

The third segment begins at noon on December 29 with Full Measures. It wraps at 5:04am with Madrigal.

The final segment starts at noon on December 30 with Hazard Pay. The marathon wraps up with the Breaking Bad series finale Felina from 2:03am to 3:18am on Dec 31.

Options to watching the marathon include Breaking Bad: The Complete Blu-Ray Collector’s Edition, available at major retailers. Netflix also has all 5 seasons of Breaking Bad available.

A Breaking Bad spinoff called Better Call Saul is expected to premiere on AMC next year. It will also be available on Netflix after the first season finale.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Cassie Sommers

Cassie is back! One of our founding writers, Cassie has returned to write for CP after taking some time off to travel across Asia. Cassie has a BS in Journalism and loves all things entertainment. If it has to do with games, movies, tv, or travel, she's on it.