Breaking Bad Marathon Starts Wednesday | Series Finale 9/29

Breaking Bad Marathon Starts Wednesday | Series Finale 9/29

AMC will be having a Breaking Bad marathon starting this Wednesday, Sept 25.

It will conclude with the the series finale on Sunday, Sept 29.

The Breaking Bad marathon will include all 5 seasons of the gritty-crime/modern-western drama. That’s 62 deliciously bad episodes in all.

Breaking Bad has won eight Emmy’s during its run so far. They are nominated for 5 more awards tonight (we may be updating that number in a couple of hours!).

— update: yep, now nine Emmy Awards for Breaking Bad! Tonight they won for Outstanding Drama.

The Breaking Bad marathon begins 8pm (ET) Wednesday evening with the pilot episode. The first batch will run until approximately 5:45am Thursday morning.

Then there’s a short break in which AMC will show some filler content and infomercials.

Breaking Bad picks back up at 9am and continues on until 11pm when we will have an hour break.

Then Breaking Bad is back from midnight (Friday AM) until about 5:30am.

At 9am Friday morning the marathon is back on and continues straight through until approximately 5:30am Saturday morning.

Now we get down to crunch time – the marathon picks up with the first episode of season 5 (Live Free or Die) at 11pm Saturday night.

It continues on straight through the night and all day Sunday until we get to the Breaking Bad season finale (Felina) at 9pm to 10pm.

The season finale will be replayed on Monday (Sept 30) at 12:15am, 3:30am and 10pm. There will be another replay at 3am on Thursday (Oct 3).

The marathon doesn’t include the 5 webisodes that premiered online in 2009, but those are available on AMC’s website (though a bit tricky to find).

Can’t catch the full marathon?

The first 4 seasons – and the first half of the 5th – are available on Netflix. Netflix offers the first month free to new subscribers.

Breaking Bad is also available through Amazon Instant Video for $1.99 per episode, and iTunes for 2.99. The price of season packages vary.

What do you think of Breaking Bad and the fact that it’s ending?

Share your thoughts in the comments section below – and be sure to subscribe to my email for more Breaking Bad news!

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