Cards Against Humanity Releases New Products, Redesigns Lineup

Cards Against Humanity is releasing a new expansion pack for the holiday 2016 season as well as changing some of its product lineup.

Its expansion packs are now grouped and labeled into red, green and blue boxes.

The Red Box contains Expansion packs 1, 2 and 3. It retails for $20 with 300 cards inside.

The Blue Box meets the same criteria and holds Expansion packs 4, 5 and 6.

The Green Box is Cards Against Humanity’s latest release for holiday 2016 and contains 300 new cards. It’s also the largest expansion pack Cards Against Humanity has ever written and it too retails for $20.

Other new products being released by Cards Against Humanity today include a make your own box and the Bigger Blacker Box.

Your Sh!tty Jokes is a box of 50 blank cards and sells for $5, “so you can make our game objectively less fun to play,” according to Cards Against Humanity.

The Bigger Blacker Box has been redesigned to hold the entire product line and retails for $15.

Cards Against Humanity’s redesigned product line and latest expansion pack for 2016 can be found at The Green Box can also be found at

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Sierra Tajen

Sierra Tajen is a freelance writer. Always on the hunt for a good bargain, she loves sharing the latest deals and steals with her readers.