CES 2016: Dates, Free Live Stream, Preview & More [Pics]

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the biggest tech show around, kicks off in Las Vegas, Nevada. this week and rumor has it there are going to be some jaw-dropping devices making their debut.

From the long-awaited reveal of the Sony PlayStation VR (formerly known as Oculus Rift) to the newest offerings from Fitbit, there is lots to see and we’ll make sure you don’t miss any of it.

The show runs from Wednesday, January 6 to Saturday, January 9, with 2 days of press events and panels on Monday, January 4 and Tuesday, January 5.

It is not open to the public, but thanks to CNET and other outlets, you can see it all via live stream.

You can also see pics of some of the most buzzed about devices in the gallery below

Better yet, Google Cardboard users can see it as if they were right there on the show floor- more on that in a minute.

Below, you’ll find out where and how to live stream for free, along with information on upcoming devices and a link to the full show schedule.

Free live Stream:

Those who want to watch on their pc, smartphone or tablet can see all the day’s events thanks to CNET’s live coverage via their website.

They will have over 90 CNET reporters on the floor and at all the major press events, including Intel, Samsung, LG and Sony (these 4 press events all take place on Tuesday.)

If that wasn’t enough they will also be shooting tours in 360 video so that Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR users can feel what it’s like to be there live.

Finally, you can follow news, updates and pics via their Facebook, Google+,  Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr.

You can view the full schedule of events here via the Consumer Electronics Association.


As with every year, there are lots of rumors swirling about what will and won’t be unveiled at the event.  Here’s some of the devices to look out for:

•Samsung: everyone was expecting them to reveal the new Galaxy 7 phone, but word is it won’t appear until February or March.

No worries though, they still have lots to showcase, including the Welt, a belt with sensors to track calories, steps and more; Rink, a hand motion controller that works with the Gear VR and even a “smart” fridge with a huge computer interface on the door.

•Fitbit: the king of wearables is expected to release either a new device or software updates for their existing ones- either way it’s good news for Fitbit users.  Perfect timing to as January is when everyone is looking to get in shape.

•PlayStation VR: the VR, which was all the talk at the 2015 Game Developers Conference, is expected to make its debut finally, giving consumers a look at the final specs as well as the price.

•OMBra: ladies listen up because this one is all for you.  Smartwear firm OMsignal will be showcasing a woman’s sports bra with built-in sensors to track calories, heart rate and more.  It reads a woman’s biometrics and is the first of its kind.

Do you plan to tune in to CNET’s live stream of CES 2016?

Tell us what you want to see most and be sure to  follow all my latest consumer news reports on Twitter!

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Tracy Ortiz

I am a mom to 2 little boys: a 10 year- old and an 8 year-old and they are the only things I love more than writing. I am an avid reader, a big sports fan and love a good deal. Most of all, I love keeping up on the latest consumer news and sharing my findings with all of you. When I'm not writing I'm painting- check out my latest in my shop: etsy.com/shop/paintmeapicstudios