Chromecast Now Back In Stock At Google Play & Best Buy

Chromecast Now Back In Stock At Google Play & Best Buy

Chromecast is now back in stock at the Google Play store and Best Buy.

Amazon still lists the HDMI computer to TV streaming device as shipping “within 7 to 10 days.”

Chromecast came out with little promotion from Google in late July. It caught the attention of online media and once word got out, it sold out within days.

With Chromecast, users can stream video and music from Netflix, Youtube, and Google Play directly onto their HDTV. When streaming these services, the data goes straight to the TV via a wifi connection (not through the computer and then to the TV).

But Chromecast also allows for direct computer to TV streaming. Some specific programs are supported, but users also have the ability to throw whatever is on the full computer screen up onto the TB screen. So… for example, Google Earth can be displayed on a big screen HDTV.

There are alternatives to Chromecast.  Russell Holly over on reported on a project called PiCast that uses a Rasberry Pi to mimic what Chromecast does – but it is a pretty geeky approach to getting this done.

There’s also Roku, which costs more (Chromecast is $35, Roku runs from $50 to $100), but also has more natively supported apps, such as full support for Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus and HBO GO. Though again, all these can be streamed on Chromecast through a computer.

We expect that the initial rush for Chromecast has taken it’s course and there won’t be another sell out now that it’s back in stock.

Have you tried Chromecast? Share your experience with the new device from Google below, and be sure to pass this info along using the share buttons below!

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