Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 Free (Via Rebate) ‘Till 12/13

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 Free (Via Rebate) ‘Till 12/13

Nuance has dropped the price of Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 Home edition in their Cyber Thursday sale today.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking is a speech to text program from Nuance Communications Inc.

Nuance normally sells the Home edition of the program for $99.99. But for today only, Nuance has put it on sale through their website for $49.99.

According to Nuance, today is the only day of the year they have Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 Home on sale for half off.

Looking through previous Nuance sales, this does seem to be the case.

But during our investigation, we did find better deals on the Home edition. Much better deals.

For example, over at Amazon, Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 Home is available for $39.99.

Better yet though, TigerDirect has a Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 Home and Total Defense Premium Internet Security bundle for free after rebate.

The rebate is the mail-in variety (not instant) and the bundle would have to be purchased by December 13, 2013 – with the rebate request postmarked within 30 days of purchase – to qualify.

Shoppers would receive the rebate in the form of a prepaid reward card.

Watch for a review of Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 on Consumer Press within the next week, and be sure to Like, Tweet, Pin, and Google+ this page to pass this info along to your friends and followers!

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Cassie Sommers

Cassie is back! One of our founding writers, Cassie has returned to write for CP after taking some time off to travel across Asia. Cassie has a BS in Journalism and loves all things entertainment. If it has to do with games, movies, tv, or travel, she's on it.