Families Fracture & Haven Burns In ‘Fear TWD’ Second Midseason Finale

Families fracture and the temporary haven burns as the men of Fear TWD continue to deteriorate during its second midseason finale, “Shiva.”

In the facade of Celia’s safe haven, Daniel wrestles with ghosts from his past. Celia claims that the walking dead are not an indication of the end, but a sign of the new beginning.  She urges Daniel to make peace with his dead. And so he does. Ashes to ashes.

Daniel isn’t the only member of Madison’s group that Celia underestimated. In a showdown between lionesses, Madison wins. Sort of. Madison pretends to seek counsel from Celia, but it’s a case of a lioness in sheep’s clothing.

Madison pretends to want to understand Celia’s philosophy. Pretends that Celia is the way back to her lost son, Nick. But once Celia brings Madison to the dungeon of the undead, Madison seizes the opportunity, locking Celia in with her flesh-eating charges. Celia remains unphased. She doesn’t fear death.

Madison is ruthless in her efforts to keep her family intact. Little does she know that it’s all in vain.  She doesn’t know her own son, husband, and step-son are all lost. Was her act of cruelty and vengeance worth it? Will her conscience recover from her primal act?

It’s worth noting that when Daniel sets the dungeon aflame, Celia is unseen. Are the undead snacking on her, or is she hiding behind the barrels ready to escape?

Daniel and Nick aren’t the only two men falling apart. Chris is utterly unhinged. Travis, the ever-devoted father, tortures his soles- pun totally intended- to find his fallen son. Low and behold, Chris has fallen further over the edge.

By the time Travis tracks down Chris, Chris is holding a father and son hostage- an apt metaphor for the wedge he drives between Travis and Madison. Travis is visibly pained when he tells Nick, who later finds the two them, that he will not return to the family. Travis will sacrifice his happiness for his son’s mental health and well-being.

Nick returns just in time to see the compound in flames. Disillusioned by Madison, he laments that Celia was right about his family- they destroy. Dazed and covered, yet again, in blood- Nick goes to find Celia.

Here’s what I don’t understand about Chris and his blood camouflage- if he’s so sick of the killing and buys into Celia’s notions, then how is okay for him to cover himself in the blood of the undead? Nick has grown rather arrogant in his affect, believing he’s safe among the undead so long as he remains covered in their blood. It’s a wonder that someone saturated in blood feels impervious to death. At this rate, how much longer will Nick last?

By the end of the Fear TWD’s conclusion, both the Salazar and Manawa-Clark families are fractured- Ofelia is with Madison, Alycia, and Strand; Nick remains with what’s left of Celia’s compound; Travis and Chris are wandering outside Celia’s compound; Daniel is inside Celia’s compound watching it all burn.

Fear’s midseason finale feels all-too-familiar after many of its predecessor’s, The Walking Dead, finales. Once again, the facade of safety crumbles and the group is fractured. Now we’re supposed to stew and wonder how they will reunite. Been there. Done that. I’m sure, somehow, both families will reunite. In this case, I’d be delighted to be wrong.

If I was a wagering writer, I’d bet dollars to donuts that Celia is alive and kicking and will lead a posse to hunt down Strand and Madison.

The group will be led back to Celia’s compound to be tried for its crimes along with Daniel- who simply stood there to watch it all burn. Naturally, Nick will be in the throws of a moral dilemma.  And surely Travis and Chris will be attracted to the light of the flames. Chris will likely hate to watch Ofelia suffer and Travis won’t be able to bear watching Madison or Alycia suffer. And the beat goes on.

What did you think of tonight’s second midseason finale of Fear the Walking Dead? You can leave your predictions, insights, and questions in the comment section below.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Melissa O'Donnell

Teacher by day, pop culture consumer by night- Melissa lives for good stories and loves to share them with fellow TV, movie, graphic novel, and book enthusiasts. She also blogs about pop culture's influence on everything from her worldview to her relationships at undertheinfluence76.blogspot.com-- she'd love for you to join in on her journey.