First Look At Community’s Sixth Season On Yahoo (Video)

Yahoo has released the first teaser video for the upcoming sixth season of the cult favorite Community.

Community was cancelled by NBC back in May, much to the dismay of fans.

Fans didn’t have to wait long, as it was announced shortly after that Yahoo had picked up the series in an online format.

A short video has now been released by Yahoo hyping the return of the Greendale study group.

The video features a mash-up of previous seasons. With the often ridiculed fourth season getting a treatment, sure to delight series fans.

A voice over narration give fans high hopes as it proclaims they will make a “…Better. Stronger. Faster…” show.

Community is not the first show to be revived through an online medium.

Netflix previously saw success bringing the Jason Bateman comedy, Arrested Development, back from the dead.

This is  promising for all fans that have seen their favorite shows cancelled too soon.

Now viewers can hold out hope to see their favorite characters again.

No news as to when we will be seeing the Community gang premiere online.

However, it is known that the show begins shooting this fall.

To hold you over, here is the teaser video from Yahoo :

What show would you like to see brought back from the dead? Let us know in the comments!

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Jason Mailhot

30 something father and husband. Writes interesting things for you to consume. Self confessed television addict. Avid film watcher, book reader, video game player and eater of sandwiches.
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