Hulu Plus Users Mislead About What’s Really Available

Netflix may be the most popular streaming service out there, but Hulu is a good alternative when it comes to up-to-date content.

Those who subscribe to Hulu Plus can easily view the latest episodes of Revenge, Vampire Diaries, or Once Upon a Time the day after its regular television network debut.

However, Hulu seems to be tripping on their own feet these days.

The other night, my fiancé and I were attempting to look up the latest episode of Revolution on our Sony player. When finally getting to our selection, we were presented with a “Web Only” option.

Ok, so off to the laptop!

We got to their website only to be greeted by more disappointment.

Quote: “We currently don’t have the rights to make this show available on your TV or mobile devices.”

Talk about coming up short – not only did Hulu give us the runaround, but lured us into a dead-end and then “kindly’ providing the information to their own fail.

I don’t know about everyone else’s business model, but I’m pretty sure if you don’t have something available to offer, then you simply PULL the program off your service. That way, us CUSTOMERS that are being underestimated by said service, can therefore possibly extrapolate that the show is simply NOT AVAILABLE.

It wasn’t just the one show either – along with Revolution, American Horror Story, Bates Motel, and 24 also gave us the logistics of “why we can’t serve you.”

It’s like going to a pizza place, ordering something off the menu they present to you, and then being denied it because it’s “off their old menu and no longer serve it.”

Why would you present me with that option then?

Besides that point, Hulu needs to stand on their own and stop riding the networks’ wave of influence. I pay a subscription for them, so why am I seeing massive amounts of commercials as well? Shouldn’t they be rolling in the money then?

Is it really a courtesy to tell us why we can’t get what is originally being offered to us? Quite frankly, I’m getting tired off jumping through hoops and into walls when it comes to Hulu Plus.

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Author Profile: Consumer Expert Stephen Jacobi

Stephen has worked in entertainment for over ten years, and now lends his opinions and aspirations to News for Shoppers delving into media, tech, and entertainment. He is also a member of the Grammy Recording Academy too. During his free time, he manages a separate blog called Feed the Monkey!, writes short stories and novels, and is an avid movie watcher, book reader and video game player.

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