Hulu Offering Subscribers A Discount For Showtime

Hulu, in an effort to boost its number of subscribers, has partnered with Showtime to offer a discount for online subscriptions to the networks shows, movies, and live video feeds.

Hulu subscribers will pay $8.99 instead of $10.99 for Showtime’s online premium streaming service, on top of their normal $7.99 monthly Hulu fee.

In addition, Showtime’s shows and movies will also be accessible through the Hulu app.

While it doesn’t sound like much that $2 difference adds up over time and makes a Hulu subscription look a lot more appealing as a streaming TV service.

The discount is expected to be available starting in July, before Showtime’s July 12th online launch.

This move is great for Showtime, who will get more exposure and viewers and could be great for Hulu as well in the long run.

Its been reported that Hulu is taking a bit of a hit by offering this discount. But if it does what it’s supposed to and brings in more subscribers, it will be well worth it in the long run.

Currently there are 9 million Hulu users, compared to 62 million Netflix users.

What do you think of this Hulu/Showtime partnership?  Tell us if you plan to subscribe to Hulu below.

Author Profile: Consumer Expert Tracy Ortiz

I am a mom to 2 little boys: a 10 year- old and an 8 year-old and they are the only things I love more than writing. I am an avid reader, a big sports fan and love a good deal. Most of all, I love keeping up on the latest consumer news and sharing my findings with all of you. When I'm not writing I'm painting- check out my latest in my shop: